Real Name | : Anne Vicknes Rajasaikaran |
Celebrity Name | : - |
D.O.B | : 26th September 1981 |
P.O.B | : Malacca |
Marital Status | : Single |
First Experience | : Modelling for school's prospectus |
Breakthrough | : Estee Lauder Model Search (confidence!!) |
Hobby / Past Time | : Music, Movies & Art |
Unforgetable Moment | : Moments after my tonsilitis operations was done |
Food | : Grilled and steamed fish |
Drink | : Water |
Actor | : Bruce Willis |
Actress | : Catherine Zeta Jones |
Comedian | : Will Smith |
Movie | : Preety Women |
Director | : Steven Spielberg |
Song | : Vida La Vida - Coldplay |
Musician | : U2 |
Location | : - |
Quote | : Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead. - Anoni - |